Friday, November 13, 2009

Therapy session brings new card

This morning, I was having kind of a BLAH day. Unmotivated, un-enthused, un-inspired to tackle more laundry and dishes.

Baby napping. Mike getting ready to go to work.

Hmm... need to send a card... MAYBE it is FINALLY TIME to unpack some of my paper crafting supplies. The house is messy, but quiet...

Yet after the creation of my first card post-baby, I am feeling better. (I always did find card making and scrapbooking to be therapeutic.) It is hard to believe that I made no new cards since Christmas-time last year.

Congratulations on your new dream home... 
may the sun shine brighter, 
may the grass grow greener - 
Enjoy your new home!

AHHHH, much better!