Friday, November 13, 2009

Therapy session brings new card

This morning, I was having kind of a BLAH day. Unmotivated, un-enthused, un-inspired to tackle more laundry and dishes.

Baby napping. Mike getting ready to go to work.

Hmm... need to send a card... MAYBE it is FINALLY TIME to unpack some of my paper crafting supplies. The house is messy, but quiet...

Yet after the creation of my first card post-baby, I am feeling better. (I always did find card making and scrapbooking to be therapeutic.) It is hard to believe that I made no new cards since Christmas-time last year.

Congratulations on your new dream home... 
may the sun shine brighter, 
may the grass grow greener - 
Enjoy your new home!

AHHHH, much better!

Friday, May 1, 2009

This Blog neglected.... My BABY BLOG is my new thing!

Sorry that this blog has been neglected severely.

We've relocated... from MN to IA... and are expecting our first child this month! Needless to say, with the move and all... I haven't unpacked all of my scrapbooking and crafting supplies. (Figured that it I unpacked them, I would use them... and at this point, we have to prepare our household for the arrival of our baby.)

My BABY BLOG has NOT been neglected by any means! That gets updates regularly. (I guess if I am unable to scrapbook, etc - it is best that I capture these moments via BLOG instead. That way, at least I have all the memories journaled and sometimes photographed, too!)