Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day (2002)

12 years, 8 months and 16 days ago, on Valentine's Day 2002, I learned that I have MS.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

You can't always get what you want

After a rushed visit home, having seen a lot of my close family in just a few short hours, we were headed west, towards the Mississippi River and I found myself flooded with emotion. My husband noticed that I was quiet, having just sighed and pressing my lips together tightly, trying to fight back tears.

"Hmmm." He stated. "Are you mad because you don't get to drive or because you can't just drive down the street to be home?"


"You don't live there anymore... you just think you do."

In my mind, I justify how great it would be to live in my hometown again. I imagine how nice it would be to be surrounded by family and friends again. I recall countless family dinners... fun... laughter... adult conversation.

Earlier in the day, as my aunt and cousin left my mom's house, Aunt Sue announced "you know there's TWO houses for sale down the street..... wouldn't THAT be nice to have all three of you on the same street again!" (My brother's new house is three-tenths of a mile from my mom, just two blocks down, on the same street.) Funny how all of us call the homes by the names of the old owners... VanDeSande and Block.... and all know exactly which homes we are referring to.)

"I wish..." I replied with sadness. "Not very good odds of that happening though."

"Wouldn't that be cool if Mike could come back to this store?" she asked.

"Not likely. Not impossible, but NOT likely. I heard there has to be 80% turnover before they would ever bring a GM back and they've got to be close to that because there is almost no one left from original store set-up."

My cousin flashed me a hopeful smile. "Maybe then?"

As we drive on Hwy. 11 west, I relive in my head many walks with my mom on that very route. I fight back tears thinking how if I lived there, I could walk with my mom every day... like we used to do together. I remind myself that I have found no one who walks at a more comfortable pace with me than my mom and how much I enjoy that time we spent together... walking and talking.

I rewind my brain to witness the boys playing with their cousins. I imagine how much fun we would all have living closer. The boys had protested leaving today as well; I truly felt their pain.

I recall how much I loved hanging out with my two cousins and how we often referred to them as my little sisters. I enjoy their company so much... even more, now that we are all adults. It feels like déjà vu to look at or hold my cousin's oldest daughter... a spitting image of her mother. I love watching our kids playing together and listening to their giggles.

I feel sadness that I didn't get a chance on yet another trip to visit with my high school best friend and her two sons. (More playmates for the boys and I...) With them, it is always SO EASY to pick up right where we left off.

I find myself battling jealousy and heart-break every time I hear that my mom stops down the street at my brother's new house or how they are enjoying a meal together multiple times per week. I envision how nice it would be to have family IN TOWN and how uplifting it would be to have a babysitter and some free time away from the boys once in a while. I think how fun it would be for the boys to have sleep-overs at Nana's house. (Mike and I had JUST had a conversation of how WE should stay at my brother's house and let the boys have a sleepover with Nana.)

I recall how much mom and I enjoyed making cards together. I reminisce on all of the holiday baking sessions with Kerri and mom.

I remind myself how incredibly lonely my life is now; although, I don't need much reminder.... attempting to live through it almost every day. (At least I can talk to family on the phone and can enjoy virtual visits through Skype or FaceTime.) We just don't have (any) friends (here).

As tears trickle down my cheeks, my cries turn to laughter and Mike mistakes it for sobbing at first. On the radio plays the introduction of a 1969 Rolling Stones classic that Mike is unfamiliar with. I laugh, wiping away my tears, and Mike questions WHAT is so funny.

You can't always get what you want is right on cue as a reminder that I can't live in my hometown. Marriage has changed the rules so that HOME is where my husband lives. I'm just making myself sad with the notion of NOT living there again.

Thank you, Rolling Stones, for the perfectly appropriate song at JUST the right time.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Round peg in a square hole

I felt sadness recently when I opened Pinterest on my iPad because it brought up a list of recent search items under my account. Coincidently, I could see what my husband has been manually looking for while he spends time on the computer version of Pinterest.

Pinterest search: Hot girls

Yeah, I get it.... He's a guy and I "get" that he likes to look. I only wish that he would JUST ONCE think that I am pretty or to let me know that I am enough. Sure, he can infuriate me by answering "how do I look?" without even a glance in my direction and assures me that he likes me best WITHOUT MAKEUP ON, but deep down, I know that any girl that catches his eye likely DOES wear makeup.

For Pete's Sake, stare into my eyes or whisper in my ear... tell me that you love me (and mean it!)

I'm getting used to his exasperated sigh and his eye-roll whenever I ask him for a hug. Of course, ever since I read about the extended (six to twenty seconds in duration) hug releasing special feel good chemicals in your brain, I try to hang on for eight seconds. Naturally, I feel his rigid body start to pull away after a few short seconds so, I often announce "Miss-is-sip-pi" to remind him to slow down. He teases me for my math-challenged brain, assuring me that it was long enough. Our lack of connectedness makes me feel downright lonely at times. He's not really "a kisser" so I INSIST upon hugs; I can't give up both. Pawning off the hug and kiss duty to our children doesn't really make me feel any more loved by my spouse; that just makes me sad.

Pinterest search: horse girl photography

I am a city girl, born and raised to believe (far longer than I should have) that brown cows make chocolate milk. I don't willingly listen to country music. I prefer to read a book over watching brainless tv. I admire the thought of couples who enjoy sharing a pot of coffee together first-thing in the morning or a bottle of wine shared by a fireplace at night; unfortunately, I don't drink either. I've never liked to get dirty and (still) gag at the smell of manure. I wasn't raised around animals, except for a pet fish for a brief time. I've only been around a horse a few times in my life, never demonstrating confidence. I feel inadequate in his search for a woman who likes horses.

Please remember that you married me for who I am... 

I feel as if our relationship is a round peg in a square hole; the peg fits inside, but our differences slip through the cracks in the corners, allowing us to be our true selves.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Take the stairs

Recently, my three year old accompanied me to a doctor's appointment and was disappointed that he didn't get to ride in the elevator.  While I marvel at the existence of an elevator and its fluidly smooth ride, I prefer to use my legs; an invaluable part of my own incredible machine.

For years, doctors have encouraged me to exercise regularly. Yet, with each passing year, I continue to make excuses for why I can't exercise (notably a husband's rotating work schedule and an abundance of his hours spent sleeping or away from the house) and I argue that raising small children and running a household IS exercise. (Sadly, for me, doctors do NOT think that this classifies as exercise while I remain convinced that their wives raised their children and ran their households.)

Each time that my neurological ticks, twitches and weaknesses unexpectedly present their ugly faces in my life, I suddenly feel remorseful for NOT exercising and HOPE that I didn't miss my chance to begin. Ironically, when the moment of weakness has passed and my life returns to so-called "normal" again, I am still yet to begin exercising.

WebMD reports:
Exercise is an important part of home treatment for people who have multiple sclerosis (MS). It has benefits in both early and advanced stages of the disease. Regular exercise can help you:
  • Maintain muscle strength and improve coordination.
  • Maintain and increase endurance.
  • Improve flexibility and range of limb motion.
  • Improve cardiovascular fitness.
  • Prevent pressure sores.
  • Control weight.
  • Reduce the likelihood of becoming constipated.
Exercise can also promote a sense of well-being and improve your mood.
Who doesn't want those things? WHY am I setting myself up for failure? Why am I not doing my part for the betterment of my own health?

In an attempt to add little bits of exercise to my life, I tend to park farther away from my destination so that I am forced to walk a little farther. I go up and down the stairs in my house countless times per day. From time to time, I take the bike trailer to pick my son up from kindergarten (1.4 miles, each way), towing my three year old both ways. (Thankfully, transporting only ONE CHILD in the uphill stretch.) Sometimes, we walk (or skip... because you can do that sort of thing in the presence of children) to the local library (.8 miles each way). Oftentimes, I am forced to carry at least one child for much of our journey.

Notably, whenever I am given the option of taking an escalator or elevator, I choose the stairs. These legs of mine are a gift; I'd like to get the most use out of them while I still can.

Maybe one of these days, as my children grow older and I find more time for myself, I will make the time to exercise. Hopefully, I'm not too late...

Sarah Guard was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2002 and tries to live her best life everyday. She serves as a volunteer group leader since June 2013 and served as the National MS Society Ambassador for WalkMS Dubuque in May 2014. She uses a healthy diet, the power of positive thinking and humor to enrich her daily life while chasing after her two young sons.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"How do you do it?" I asked a local author

Tonight, I was invited to an after hours party at the local bookstore to celebrate the tenth book in a series for which I am unfamiliar with, but now am wanting to read. I had recently seen our local author comment on her excitement for this tenth book to come out so, I wasn't surprised to find her in attendance at this invitation only event.

I talked to her about "the Rosie Project" which she had raved about online  a few months ago. My mom borrowed it from me and liked it A LOT, but I haven't read it yet. I announced "I don't know HOW you do it... reading all of those books AND writing..."

"Well," she giggled "I don't do laundry... and my kids will tell you that I never cook...."


My mind drifts as I think I will NEVER be able to sell Mike on my potential writing career with that answer.

Friday, June 27, 2014

I want to.... WRITE!!!

Oh, how I want to write!

I'm constantly reading books... both good and bad... Adult books, children's books... and I can't help, but to think "Hey, I could do this!"

Book signing session with an author last night reminded me how much I would love to be that person. Didn't appreciate the fact that she made fun of my "I geek libraries" tshirt. (A marketing campaign that our local library has adopted this past year.)

Love stopping by the local bookstore!!! Tonight, a local author had her book signing there. The line was long... all the way to the door when I arrived. (A great turn-out, for sure!) Again, I would LOVE to see a poster hanging on the door or in the storefront window advertising MY WORK.

If only I would actually.... well, follow through with my DREAM!

Mike recently saw something on Pinterest, he reports. It said to write a short story every single day because chances are, at least ONE of the 365 has got to be good. (I think that is encouragement.)

I keep telling myself that SOMEDAY I want to do it; I just keep putting SOMEDAY OFF.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Winter blues... BLAH!

Had a bit of the Winter Blues yesterday. Wanted desperately to book a vacation to someplace warm. Had enough shoveling this season. (Mike was nice enough to point out that I have done ALMOST ALL of the shoveling this season!)

Felt down. Felt as if we NEVER GO ANYWHERE. (Mike reminds me that we spent a weekend in the Dells... and I just went to my parent's house for the weekend.) Part of me just misses GOING PLACES. You know, like NEW ADVENTURES. Felt depressed about the near-constant reminders that WE DON'T HAVE MONEY.

Felt anxious about the thought of my little boy going to kindergarten in the fall. Anxiety-filled because a small part of me fears that we will get all of our ducks in a row, only to discover that we'll be uprooted before it happens. (You know, like the time I convinced Mike to upgrade our license plates from WI to MN, only for him to get transferred a short time later. We've always teased that we'll get our house the way we want it, only to move... we put a new roof on and installed many new windows last year.)

Discouraged by the checkbook. Wanting to do auto bill payments next time around... as my brain struggles with spending money while earning NOTHING. Plus, I am NOT a numbers girl; that hurts my poor brain! (Seriously, it is expensive almost every time I leave the house! Gas, groceries, cat supplies... I was relieved when I sent Mike & Silas to the store and he realized HOW QUICKLY things add up! Tell me about it... I feel badly every time I shop!)

I miss opening the windows. I miss the sounds of the birds singing. I miss the smell of grass. I miss picnics. (Silas keeps BEGGING to have a picnic; we've eaten on the picnic blanket a few times recently.) I miss being outside with the boys!

That settles it... I'm going to go light my Yankee GRASS-scented candle while I go read a book!

Monday, February 3, 2014

TWENTY-fourteen Completed Reading List

None completed. :(

1. The Round House  2.3.14 Noon Book Club - January selection
2. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (#1) 2.16.14 Noon Book Club - February selection

MARCH 2014
3. The Weight of Silence 3.2.14
4. Drama 3.13.14   Library Graphic Book Club - April selection
(** This was my FIRST graphic novel EVER. Heard about the library's graphic novel book club while attending the bi-monthly library adult book club. Read the whole book in less than one hour; thinking I might be able to get hubby to attend a book club like that!)
5. Stumbling on Happiness 03.27.14  Noon Book Club - March selection

APRIL 2014
6. The Supreme's at Earle's All-U-Can-Eat 4.7.14 Chow Bella Foodie Book Club - April selection
7. How to be a Woman 4.25.14   Noon Book Club - April selection
8. SMILE (graphic novel) 4.27.14
9. Forty beads 4.27.14

JUNE 2014
10. Fly A Little Higher: How God Answered a Mom's Small Prayer in a Big Way (The Story of Zach Sobiech) 06.08.14
11. All Gone 06.13.14. Chow Bella June selection
12. Little Mercies (advanced reader copy) 06.22.14
13. Mother, Daughter, Me 06.27.14

JULY 2014
14. The End of Your Life Book Club 07.04.14  Library Book Club - July selection
15. Crossing to Safety 07.26.14 Noon book club July

16. An Abundance of Katherines 08.07.14
17. Infidel 08.17.14 Noon book club August selection
All Fall Down - Jennifer Weiner, started; did not finish.

18. What Alice Forgot Library Book Club - September selection  09.06.14

19. The Hundred-Foot Journey 10.4.14
      September Noon Book Club selection (Oct 4) 
      Chow Bella October selection (Oct 9).
20. The Rosie Project 10.23.14


21. Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake Library Book Club - November selection

The Call of the Farm: An Unexpected Year of Getting Dirty, Home Cooking and Finding Myself Chow Bella December selection

List titles here.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day Book Prompts_2014 JAN 05

Outside my window... Darkness. Near-cloudless sky. City lights. A frigid raw temperature of EIGHT BELOW with temps expecting to drop to NINETEEN BELOW by morning and a "feels like temperature" of –56°F.
I am thinking... that I've got to get back to tackle my office mess; it feels SO GOOD to have organized all three closets so far this year.
I am thankful for... schools to have been called off already for Monday morning; it will be MUCH TOO COLD for school. The HIGH for tomorrow is TEN BELOW.
From the kitchen... we made a roast in the crockpot, as well as a Sweet Onion Spoon Bread recipe that I love.
I am wearing... white anklet socks; black, polartec pajama pants; a long & lean, red tank; the red, cashmere turtleneck sweater that has been MISSING since we moved here in February 2009; a red, polartec zip-front sweatshirt and glasses.
I am creating... GIANT PILES for Goodwill. On my bedroom floor: 1 winter jacket, 2 dresses, 11 pair of shoes, 19 bottoms and 71 tops!
I am going... to continue my quest for clean and organized living (and HOPE to keep it that way once I figure these messes out!) Want to have a home for everything and put everything in its place.
I am reading... Mrs. Lincoln's Dress Maker and hating it; The Snow Child - having JUST started reading it; audio book of The Round House AND Life After Life, which feels like a S - L - O - W  start.
I am hoping... that the library will come through with a printed copy of the audio The Round House OR the audio for The Snow Child. I like to listen to them while I clean the kitchen at night and enjoy reading paper copies during the day.
I am hearing... the furnace kick a few short minutes after it kicks off. It's going to be a long, cold night. Perfect for snuggling. Hoping the power doesn't go out (again) like it did earlier in the week.
Around the house... we're taking our Christmas decorations down. The mini tree is left in the living room, but shouldn't take too long to come down tomorrow. We'll hopefully be done tracking faux pine needles all over the house soon!
One of my favorite things... quiet time at night. A cup of hot, chai tea in the morning. Snuggling with both boys together in the recliner in the morning.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Arranging an impromptu DATE NIGHT to celebrate the anniversary of first meeting each other. {Feeling SO LUCKY for being in the right place at the right time!}

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Reading List 2014

At the top of this post, I will keep track of books that I have read in 2014. Below, I will keep a running list of books that I (someday) hope to read.

The Snow Child

The Chaperone
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Little Wolves
The End of Your Life Book Club
What Alice Forgot
Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake

Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker

Parenting with Love and Logic
Happier at Home - Gretchen Rubin
The Reason for God - Timothy Keller
Stumbling on Happiness - Daniel Todd Gilbert
Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
The Anti-Romantic Child - Priscilla Gilman

Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
Anna Karenina - Tolstoy
any title  by author Kurt Vonnegut
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith
The Instructions - Adam Levin
Orlando - Virginia Woolf
The Education of Henry Adams - Henry Adams
Pride & Prejudice, Emma - Jane Austen
Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
The Yellow Birds: A Novel - Kevin Powers

Killing Jesus - Bill O'Reilly
Lincoln's Last Days - Bill O'Reilley/Dwight Zimmerman
Killing Lincoln - Bill O'Reilley/Martin Dugard
A Thousand Splendid Suns

The Glass Castle
The Book Thief
The Kite Runner
Harry Potter books
Twilight series
Sarah Palin
Spoken from the Heart - Laura Bush
Me talk pretty one day
Water for Elephants
To Kill a Mockingbird
Mockinbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee

The Faraway Nearby - Rebecca Solnit
A Field Guide for Getting List - Rebecca Solnit

Elin Hildebrand (any title)
Jodi Piccoult - Plain Truth OR Between the Lines
The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D - Nichole Bernier
Brooklyn - Colm Toibin
Hector and the Search for Happiness - Francois Lelord
Louise Penny
Macy Dobbs
Penelope Lively
"The Round House"
In the Garden of Beasts
Devil in the White City
When She Woke

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - done
Toys Go Out #1 by Emily Jenkins
Toy Dance Party #2 by Emily Jenkins
Toys Come Home #3 by Emily Jenkins