Sunday, February 15, 2015

A lesson in compassion and connectedness

With recent reviews of insufficient social skills, changes NEED to happen. Reviews, perplexing to me, indicating the complete opposite of the person I met in January 2007. Hoping to get that (happy) person back again.

One small step was acknowledging work birthdays and anniversary dates. "It actually felt really, really good!" he reported after a day full of his most recent happiness project, passing out candy and certificates of acknowledgement.

Today, he called and asked that I make a note on the calendar about a baby being due so that he can send a card.

Better late than never: Looks like he's (now) learning a lesson in compassion and connectedness.

Perhaps we will be lucky enough that it will come into our home life as well. It would be nice to get a hug without an exasperated sigh and eye roll to go with it.

Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness were books brought by Santa Claus. Hoping that they can inspire (more) greatness!

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