OH, CRAP.... I sure hope I make it! Blogger seems to be having issues... it wasn't letting me log in; now, it isn't letting me move the position of my photos... Sorry everyone... please bear with me during technical difficulties.
Here's mine.... (competing with husband)
Since Mr. Right left all of my supplies out, I thought I would quickly try to take a stab at this challenge as well.
Sorry I can't tell you the source of the striped paper, but the colors were ALMOST perfect! It was from one of those Scrap Packs from Joanne Fabrics/Michael's, but the cover page has fallen off long ago. I used the new SOCK MONKEY stamp set. The words are made with SU's Rough Edges Alphabet. (I was FREAKING OUT because the "N" got lost in the move... it had fallen behind and underneath all of the bins in my organizer wall bin. Each organizer - from the hardware department of my local home improvement store - had been shrinkwrapped for transport.)
Also, please note the AWESOME rack my wonderful husband built me for all of my punches!
Darling -- LOVE the monkey and how you did the wording -- very cute! :)
Super cute!
Great Job! I like that all the letters are punched out! Neat idea!!
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