Oh my goodness... what a week!
I had spent this past week in a packing whirlwind while my fiance was away at his new job promotion in MN, while I was left to pack up our entire apartment's worth of belongings. (He likes to give me a hard time that it is 95% mine and 5% his, which makes me feel bad.) I had good intentions that I would go through many of the boxes that I moved in with in March '07 and had yet to look inside... thinking that NOW is the PERFECT time to go through them all. However, after a week of packing by myself, I had lost ambition and decided that they were all conveniently boxed already and that I can look through them later (since I don't have a job arranged in MN yet.)
Friday, my fiance left work around noon. He stopped along the way home and picked up his dad, arriving back in my hometown around midnight. I, of course, had to work at 6:30am the next morning so, I was torn whether to wait up for the man that I love and had not seen for a week - or go to bed and catch up with him between the sheets. Eventually, my EXHAUSTED body couldn't take it so, I went to bed and woke once they had arrived home again.
Saturday was my last day. The name of the paint color that I had mixed last was TRAILBLAZER, which I found rather fitting for someone embarking on a new adventure in life. On my way home from work, I had opened my bottle of carbonated water which had exploded in my car. The peach flavored drink splashed the roof of my car and wet my entire lap. Of course, when I got home, my dresser had already been packed away in the Uhaul so, I did not have readily accessible clean underwear so, I had to airdry and go on with my day. The apartment looked 98% empty when I got home from work.
When all was wrapped up there, we had a LAST SUPPER with my local family members at my parent's house, which was nice. And then, we were ready for bed. Although, my cats had decided that SLEEPING was not on the agenda that night either.
One of the cats couldn't quite put his finger on the fact that "SOMETHING in this apartment has changed, but I just don't know what it is". The other cat, had been on to us for the entire week and had realized "Hey, they took all of the furniture and boxes so, we're next..."
Sunday morning was saved for some last minute cleaning and packing.
Then, oh yeah.... we got married Sunday morning.
(NOTE: Our fall wedding is still ON!!! We are thrilled for that day to come... we have the entire wedding booked, planned and paid for. It will be MAGICAL, just like we had planned. The only difference is that we wont have to sign a marriage license that day in October - and we will then, be surrounded by all of our friends and family instead of a select handful.)
Our parents, my grandmother, my brother and his fiance, a friend of mine and my aunt were witnesses while my uncle had performed the brief ceremony. (Sure beats paying for my own insurance for the next few months while waiting for the fall wedding that we had planned and paid for already.) Yeah, so, after the wedding, we grabbed the cats and ventured 7 hours in a Uhaul and trail of cars. (My dad followed so that he would be able to help unload the Uhaul the next day while my new husband was working.)
We arrived at our new home a little before 11pm. We grabbed the cats, their food & water, litterbox and our mattress and we camped out for the night. The cats decided to open up and sleep inside of the bathroom cabinet under the sink; although, I am not sure if they actually slept at all. Poor little guys... after a few days they are starting to come out more often, but under the bed is still a favorite spot to hang out.
As you can see, internet (and cable tv) service has been set up here now. Telephone comes tomorrow. I have made fair progress on unpacking and decorating our aparment. My husband had the day off today so, we talked to the bank and insurance company, as well as did a little around the apartment. I can tackle it [unpacking] all again tomorrow. Then, one of these days, I will have to figure out some type of employment.
Tomorrow is another day in the journey we call life.