Monday, February 11, 2008

Life of a Domestic Goddess

I was scheduled an easy shift today– only 4 hours. (Lucky me, eh?)

So, what will I do with the rest of my afternoon, you ask?

Well, the current state of my kitchen is disasterous... the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, the sink is full of dirty dishes, and the neglected pans from dinner last night are still on the stove. (I did manage to put the leftovers away.)

The bed is unmade, but that isn't unusual at all. I like it to look warm and inviting. (Mom and I disagree on this one, as she thinks that a made bed looks more inviting than an unmade one, but I feel that an unmade one is more ready to just crawl in....) Did I mention how much I adore the flannel sheets that we just purchased? They are cozy, especially when used in combo with my electric blanket.

I have a load of laundry from last time around that I didn't feel like putting away yet. (The important point is that it is all clean.) The hampers are full of dirty clothes and it is time to wash again. Perhaps, this time, I will be able to put all of it away at once.

The bathroom could almost always use a little attention.

There are kitty kibbles on the floor near the food bowls and there are scraps of paper debris scattered on the office floor, which is my evidence of last week's home-made valentines. So, perhaps I need to get out the ol' Hoover, too.

So, needless to say, I will be a domestic goddess today – following my trip to the post office, bank and laundromat (aka my parent's house).

And when all that work is done, I will need to make something for dinner, clean up my mess and then hope to have a therapeutic afternoon/evening where I will be able to do some scrapbooking. (I love that hobby and find it so darned addictive!)

Well, I had better mosey on with my day... especially since I can't play until the work is over.

Domestic goddess signing out.

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