Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"How do you do it?" I asked a local author

Tonight, I was invited to an after hours party at the local bookstore to celebrate the tenth book in a series for which I am unfamiliar with, but now am wanting to read. I had recently seen our local author comment on her excitement for this tenth book to come out so, I wasn't surprised to find her in attendance at this invitation only event.

I talked to her about "the Rosie Project" which she had raved about online  a few months ago. My mom borrowed it from me and liked it A LOT, but I haven't read it yet. I announced "I don't know HOW you do it... reading all of those books AND writing..."

"Well," she giggled "I don't do laundry... and my kids will tell you that I never cook...."


My mind drifts as I think I will NEVER be able to sell Mike on my potential writing career with that answer.