So, I cleaned it all up... grudgingly, wiping everything in the bottom 2/3 of the fridge off.
I later informed Mike of my discovery and hinted - by NOT placing blame - that "we need to do a better job of making sure the ziploc bags are sealed".
"It was probably time to wipe it all out anyways!" he announced. "We've never done that before and we've lived here long enough that it probably should have been done already."
I gave him the dirtiest look, I'm sure.
"We haven't done it before, have we?" he quizzed with apprehension in his voice.
"WE," I announced while pointing to my own chest, towards him and back to my own chest again "have NOT cleaned out the fridge before. You are right, in that, WE have NOT done it! I, however, have done it many a times already!"
"I'm pretty sure I know what leaked into the bottom of the fridge" he proudly announced later that day while holding up a pyrex dish of canned asparagus "because THIS used to have liquid in it and it was tipped over on the top shelf."
In retrospect, I am wondering if WE took the time to wipe off that top shelf after the newest discovery.
• • • • •
Yesterday, at the grocery store, while searching for a Comet or Ajax-type scrubber for the kitchen sink, I realized that I needed to pick up a new bottle of JetDry - recalling that I had just thrown the empty bottle into the recycle bin last week.
"What are you doing?" Mike asked, puzzled. "WE don't use that!"
Huffing, and likely rolling my eyes in despair, I snapped "Yes, we DO use that!" and threw it into the shopping cart - despite his protest.
"No, we don't. Since when? I've never seen you use that before." he stammered.
"We've been using it for months, maybe a year! There's probably still an empty bottle in our recycle bin right now." I pointed out. Clearly HE doesn't take the recyclables out to the bin OR use the cleaning agents stored under the kitchen sink.
• • • • •
As I recall, from long, long ago... Mike does NOT like to use the word WE, yet somehow, somewhere along the line, he has converted to use the word WE.
He used to hate when I would ask "Where do WE want to go eat? What do WE want for supper?" He would clarify, arguing like a lawyer through excessive loopholes, that HE only knew what "he" would like to eat and that he did not know what "WE" would care to eat. He'd go on to say that he didn't know what "WE" would like and that it is "hard to ask WE what WE think WE should do".
Somehow, I have now become annoyed with WE, especially when WE aren't giving credit when credit is due. Perhaps, I need to pat myself on the back for taking good care of the house and kids. Yeah, that'd be nice.